Monday, July 5, 2010

it's a woman's perogative to change her mind. or so the saying goes.
so forget blogspot. i've created a newer & betterer blog at:

see you there!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

airport shenanigans

We have picked up our plane tickets to Sumatra and have already packed our backpacks even though we still have 9 more sleeps :) We have some Indo currency and American dollars for our visa on arrival and have purchased money belts for underneath our clothing. So we are almost set for our trip. I had a look at a website on Medan airport and wished that I hadn't. Here's some of what it said :
The inappropriate location of the airport in the middle of the city has been implicated in four crashes:
the 1979 crash of a Garuda Fokker F28-1000 plane that killed 64 people
the 1987 crash of a Garuda Indonesia Flight 035, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32, killing 23 people, after hitting one of the city's electricity pylon on approach in bad weather.
the 1997 crash of Garuda Flight 152, an Airbus A300B4-200 killing 234 people (where the plane crashed into mountains near the city following misdirection from ATC and failure of ground proximity equipment)
the 2005 crash of Mandala Airlines Flight 091, a Boeing 737-200 killing 149 people,including the Governor of North Sumatra Province at that time, Tengku Rizal Nurdin. The airport suffers from several problems, apart from being prone to major fires in its terminals, including having a 2,900 m runway with only 2,625 m of usable length, as well as suffering from the proximity of Gunung Sibayak, (a volcano).
Oh dear. I shouldn't have done any research! I'm a nervous flier as it is, without needing to know all that!